05/19/2020 COVID-19 WOD


Same style workouts, just a new time for some of you. Make a new friend, say hi to a past teammate or compete against someone you hope to see on the ball field this summer. Everyone is now together starting today! Our workout today will need extremely limited equipment but you will need a good amount of space for your extras. These are IMPORTANT, so please don’t skip them.

If you want to play ball at an elite level, you’ll see a lot of 300’s in your future so let’s start to get used to them now! That said, check out the workout and join me at our new time of 5:30-6:30pm PST.

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What you’ll need for today’s workout:

  • Gym shoes

  • Water

  • A chair or box-like object that you can elevate your foot on

  • Heavier weight that you can use for lower body exercises

  • SPACE for your extras!

How to read my programs:

  1. Start with the warm up! All movements can be found on my Youtube channel.

  2. Superset #1 is next! You’ll go do the three exercises in a row and following the order on the program until you have completed all rounds. Quick Hydration!

  3. Complete Superset #2 as you completed the first superset - completing three rounds of rotating through all the movements. Quick Hydration!

  4. CIRCUIT. Back to our bear crawl circuit that we did a couple weeks back! This time we’re going to knock out 4 rounds! Let’s all focus on strengthening our core today! make sure to constantly squeeze.

  5. Extras. The 300yd shuttle is comprised of 6x down and back in a 25yd line/area. Your goal is to sprint these. 300’s are the ultimate test of speed, agility, and endurance. Goal here is to knock these out in under 65sec total! Take about a minute rest between sets and get right after the second one. You’ll hate these and also feel so accomplished once they’re done! Good luck 💪

As a reminder, these sessions are open to ALL! So please invite friends and folks in your softball network. I am working hard by creating these programs and am only asking that you spread the word so that workouts remain a free service that I am providing. Thanks for understanding and supporting my business 🤗

If you missed this LIVE workout, sign up today to get into next week’s sessions on Tuesday and Thursdays starting at 5:30pm PST.

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