04/09/2020 COVID-19 WOD

Today we complete the second workout of the week! If you’re doing this workout outside of the live session with me, you’ll need a partner to help with the running form drills at the start of superset #1. Make sure to take your time in doing these and be deliberate about your form. After you complete this workout, finish up extras and make sure to participate in “active rest” later this week during the weekend.

Active rest can be any kind of activity where you get your heart rate up. Typically I would say to play a game with friends like basketball, soccer, or ultimate frisbee. But with the world as we know it today and social distancing in fashion, please respect the space of others and help to flatten the curve. Active rest right now can mean going on a run around the neighborhood, doing at home yoga, jumping on the trampoline, etc.

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What you’ll need for today’s workout:

  • A sturdy wall to lean on (with ground that you can run on - no slick surfaces)

  • Gym shoes

  • Water

  • Cones or an elevated object similar to cones (book standing on edge, two cans stacked up, etc.)

  • A chair or set of stairs

How to read my programs:

  1. Start with the warm up! All movements can be found on my Youtube channel.

  2. Supersets #1 and #2 are next! You’ll go do the three exercises in a row and following the order on the program until you have completed all rounds. Quick Hydration!

  3. Complete Superset #2 as you completed the first superset - completing three rounds of rotating through all the movements. Quick Hydration!

  4. AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible). Just like it sounds, your goal is to get as many rounds as possible of the exercises listed in the section below. During today’s workout you’ll only have 7 minutes to complete as many rounds as possible. Work hard and hustle, this is the end of your workout!

  5. Extras are primarily for core stability and overall mobility. These exercises help with injury prevention and overall performance when it comes to being a well rounded, throwing sport athlete.

Sign up for my live workouts today so that you can maximize effectiveness of your workout. I’d love to see my sessions packed with participants from here on out!

The best way you can support me in this time of need for all is to invite others to sign up for these sessions with me. You’ll be able to connect with players all across the country on a virtual platform! Please register for the online classes and help to spread the word.

If you missed this LIVE workout, sign up today to get into next week’s sessions on Tuesday and Thursdays starting at 4:00pm PST.

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