04/02/2020 COVID-19 WOD

While COVID-19 is upon us, we have been bound to our homes for the greater good of humanity in this world. Heading over to a gym is not an option at this time but that doesn’t have to stop us from preparing for softball season! Check out the below workout of the day (WOD) and join me live during open sessions starting April 14th, 2020 and continuing every Tuesday and Thursday until social distancing commences.

04-02-2020 WOD.jpg

How to read my programs:

  1. Start with the warm up! All movements can be found on my Youtube channel or on the links below.

  2. Supersets #1 and #2 are next! You’ll go do the three exercises in a row and following the order on the program until you have completed all rounds. Quick Hydration!

  3. Complete Superset #2 as you completed the first superset - completing three rounds of rotating through all the movements. Quick Hydration!

  4. AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) is just as it sounds. Your goal is to complete as many rounds of all exercises as possible in the allotted 5 minute time limit.

  5. Extras are primarily for core stability and overall mobility. These exercises help with injury prevention and overall performance when it comes to being a well rounded, throwing sport athlete.

For live workouts, make sure to sign up on my clinics page! I would love to have you and your teammates for a complimentary workout session until COVID-19 is over.

Lastly, if you love these workouts, I have weight room workouts available for purchase in the courses section of this website. Purchasing these programs helps support me in creating more great content for my student athletes. Please share and help spread the word!

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