04/21/2020 COVID-19 WOD

We will be starting to work in more speed and agilities into our bi-weekly sessions in the weeks to come! Today we start out with some quick feet that are usually done on a ladder but we can improvise with lack of equipment!

As always, my programs will incorporate speed, agility, core and explosive elements so that we can be best prepared for the upcoming season! This too will come to an end, just remember that - hang in there, you’re doing great.

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What you’ll need for today’s workout:

  • Gym shoes

  • Water

  • An amount of weight you can do a bicep curl with - this can be in any form factor (Dumbbells, a medicine ball, kettle bells, a backpack filled with weighted objects, water jugs, etc).

  • 2 very small amounts of weight - i.e. ~2.5lbs dumbbell or less, 2 cans of soup, beans, etc, or 2 water bottles.

  • OPTIONAL: A ladder if you have one available (personally I don’t but if I really wanted one, I would tape one out on a hard surface :) Each box should be approximately 1.5’ x 1.5’ large.

How to read my programs:

  1. Start with the warm up! All movements can be found on my Youtube channel.

  2. Supersets #1 and #2 are next! You’ll go do the three exercises in a row and following the order on the program until you have completed all rounds. Quick Hydration!

  3. Complete Superset #2 as you completed the first superset - completing three rounds of rotating through all the movements. Quick Hydration!

  4. AMRAP. As Many Rounds As Possible for 6 minutes long at the end!

  5. Extras are primarily for core stability and overall mobility. These exercises help with injury prevention and overall performance when it comes to being a well rounded, throwing sport athlete.

Live sessions are where it’s at! Things like the “Quick Feet” section will be hard to know what to do unless you frequently come to live sessions or can phone a friend to help! I want to make these sessions EXTREMELY accessible so please do not be shy in showing up :)

The best way you can support me in this time of need for all is to invite others to sign up for these sessions - I’ve got more good lifts coming in the future once we all have access to more gym equipment so stay tuned! Everyone will be connected on a virtual platform despite the pandemic going on right now, which is super exciting to me. Please register for the online classes and help to spread the word.

If you missed this LIVE workout, sign up today to get into next week’s sessions on Tuesday and Thursdays starting at 4:00pm PST.

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